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Random Acts of Kindness


I know I have lost loved ones to cancer and in fact I don’t know anyone who hasn’t, but this story isn’t about loss but rather about hope and what one woman has created because of her cancer journey! Just by her unselfishness she has helped so many with what I consider, Random Acts of Kindness as she doesn’t always know the recipients of her efforts. 

     Cindy Sheridan-Murphy was diagnosed with breast cancer for the first time in 2009, she endured all the treatments, was considered cancer-free and then she was diagnosed with her second bout of breast cancer in 2014. For those who know Cindy, you would also know something as I learned when chatting with her, she’s a fighter and has a determination to make a difference by helping others. With that determination to make a difference she co-partnered with singer/song- writer Debra Lynn Alt and created a 501(c)3 non-profit in 2019 called ‘Each Moment We’re Alive’.       

     Cindy met Debra shortly after her second cancer diagnosis. Debra had written a song in honor of her dear friend Monica who was an incredible photographer that unfortunately lost her battle with cancer in 2012. Monica and Debra were able to collaborate and created a wonderful book that captured many of Monica’s photographs and includes a CD of Debra’s inspiring song along with other beautiful creations. Because of their collaboration and now Cindy’s partnership with Debra, to name their charity after Debra’s song was a natural fit. 

     Cindy has always lived a life of giving back. She was a youth soccer coach plus a high school soccer coach for five years and actually brought her team to their first tournament in ten years. She loved all the coaching but when her daughter became a high school student she knew it was time to stop so her daughter could play sports without mom being the coach. 

     After coaching sports and being diagnosed, Cindy realized coaching was coaching regardless for what and so the non-profit was created. During Covid Cindy wanted to continue to help people by supplying the tools and support to survivors when going through treatments or completing them. She learned how to do Zoom meetings and has captured members from Indiana, Florida, Michigan and New Jersey as well as local audiences. Cindy has expanded this non-profit to include everyone regardless of their type of cancer. She knows that cancer doesn’t just impact that person but their circle of people as well. Her Zoom meetings are every Tuesday and it’s an opportunity for survivors to connect for support and inspiration. She has monthly local gatherings for continued cancer support, and quarterly webinars. Her after cancer support programs include the context of ‘Living a new day’ and ‘I survived cancer, what’s next?’

 March is the cancer awareness month for colorectal, kidney and multiple myeloma. As we know, cancer knows no season so please do your screenings. 

 Cindy has a couple of things she uses as her mottos, “Cancer is something that happens to you, it doesn’t define you.” And she also believes, “We don’t walk this earth alone, we have a circle of Angels.”

 Cindy is the Angel for many and continues finding ways to help others. She offers seminars to educate employers about the needs of a person dealing with cancer. Her charity will be hosting their 5th Canine’s Fur Cancer Support walk in West Springfield on June 28th as she knows that dogs are a great support for people on their cancer journey. Cindy holds a position on the Baystate Noble Hospital Patient Family Advisory Council representing the voice between the hospital and the patient. Her charity decorates a tree each year for the Ronald McDonald House to support them. She’s involved with Our Lady of Hibernian in Holyoke which is for Irish Catholic Women and with this group once a month makes sandwiches for Kate’s Kitchen. She is also a Rotarian and they strive to promote services for the personal, business and community life. She believes in giving back to make a positive impact. So as you can see, Cindy is an inspiration to others by leading the way of doing Random Acts of Kindness. This past January, Gary Rome’s Hyundai Hope on Wheels presented Cindy as the representative of ‘Each Moment We’re Alive,’ a $10,000 check so she can continue her very important supportive cancer work. What an honor to be chosen for this award! Congratulations Cindy! You truly are making an incredible difference! 

     If you would like to know more about Cindy’s incredible work, please see her website. You’ll find events happening, how to find help for support and you’ll feel the warmth she emits from the pages. Thank you, Cindy, for all the help you so willingly offer to others. If would like to tell me a story about a Random Act of Kindness please contact me at or 413-788-7514. Who knows, you might see your story in this column, ‘Just Cause’ you witnessed, did or received something nice being done. See you next month with another Random Act of Kindness! ~ Barb


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